Sunday, June 23, 2013

You Meet All Kinds

You meet all kinds of folks each week.  Some pass without incident; others inspire and compel.  

Meet Joan Lawty, a hospitable, welcoming server and South African mission enthusiast.

Meet Tamara--owner of the restaurant on the golf course, in East Bonneville who holds a picture of her business proudly.  Tamara welcomed my request to pray for her in her new adventure of the restuarant.

Hope you'll meet some great folks this week in your neck of the woods!


  1. There you go . . . blessing the restaurant owner. Yay!

    1. We have been so blessed in our journey together through life. So God has helped us to keep passing the blessing along to the folks that God sends our way.

      I am blessed beyond measure to be married to you.


  2. Soooooo I am starting to notice that your hair looks the same as it always does??? Where is the buzzed sides with the fade into the top messy look like mine...hmmmm? That's ok, I'm sure by the time you reach Missoula on the trip you will be ready for a haircut! In fact I think I might just get mine done with you!!
